an unpaid church intern, I was expected to gather a team of people who
would financially support me during the nine months of training. It’s
not unusual for Christians to give money to each other for various
ministry work, but I had no experience raising a livable salary and no
good idea how to do it.
wrote a short letter, summarizing what I planned to do and explaining
how much money I thought I needed to survive the year (which was a
decent amount, since my husband was in seminary and not working at the
time). I sent the letter to every family member, some of my co-workers,
and anyone whose name I knew at our church. Then I waited.
waited for people to read my letter and respond, excitedly, with
donations of $50, $100, or more, each month. I waited for God to “show
me the money!”. And when that didn’t happen, I didn’t know what I was
supposed to do. With trepidation, I started making phone calls...
it’s Nicole, how are you doing?...great, well you know I’m preparing to
quit my job and start a church-based internship, right? I sent you a
letter about it awhile back........well, I’m just calling to, you know,
just.....check in.........and, um, see if you had thought about supporting
me?............oh, yeah, I totally understand......well, thanks for, um, being my
AWKWARD. And - embarrassing.
So I never fully raised the money I had budgeted. God was good and somehow - to this day, I really couldn’t tell you how
- we survived that year. In fact, we kept pursuing ministry, but we
never expected to have to ask people for money again. Because, you know,
that was totally uncomfortable. For everyone.
Now, 10 years later, we are preparing to move to the 2nd most expensive city in the U.S. to start a church. We have estimated over $33,000 a year for RENT (our current mortgage is less than $10,000). If we wanted to, we could pay $25,000 a year for health insurance (uh...we’re not that crazy).
It’s become necessary for us, once again, to ask for money. But this time, everything is different.
This time,
before we approached a single friend with the question of “will
you...?”, we spent two months praying and seeking God’s wisdom in
setting a budget. We asked a lot of questions, did a lot of research,
and waited until we felt a peace about how much money we needed to
This time, we asked others to pray with us and for us, at every step of the process.
This time,
we prayed over a list of names of people we wanted to invite to partner
with us. We pray(ed) before every meeting and after every conversation.
This time, we kept (are keeping) our eyes focused on Jesus and not on ourselves. We prepared a pretty sweet prezi
and we practiced our spiel but honestly, we approached support raising
with full confidence in our calling and complete trust in our God. This time, we understood how the apostle Paul could encourage the church that their financial gifts brought him joy, not because of the gift itself, but because of the blessing that God would give them as a result of their generosity. This time, we realized that we truly are inviting people to partner with us in God’s work in NYC - not everyone can go, but everyone can participate in the work by helping send us.
This time,
we are able to ask people to give money with absolutely no expectation
or dependency on their responses. We don’t feel more or less loved based
on whether (or not) someone financially supports us. Our identity is
not tied to how people respond to our invitation, though we receive
great joy when someone joins our team.
In this way, raising financial support is exactly like sharing the good news of Jesus.
It’s not about us, it’s about him.
It must be rooted in prayer.

WE receive great joy when someone responds to the call!
This time, asking people for money has been encouraging and exciting for us. It reminds us how utterly needy we are - in every sense! - and keeps us thirsty for Living Water, the kind that becomes in us a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
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