Saturday, October 8, 2011

03.03.11 Those I Love

This is an easy one!  5 people who mean alot to me, in no particular order:
  1. My daughter, Maren Lee.  I can honestly say that I love Maren more than anyone else in this world.  Creating and sustaining life, giving birth to that life and now nurturing it, creates the most natural and irreparable bond of love known to humanity.  Loving your child is the easiest love.
  2. My husband, Michael.  While loving my daughter is easy, loving my husband is most definitely not.  But there is rich reward in the intentionality and devotion required to love my spouse well.  I will always have love to give Maren, but because I must choose to love Michael, I receive a double benefit from my efforts: not only do I improve my marriage, but I change myself (for the better) as well.  Allowing Michael to speak truth into my life has made me a gentler, kinder, and better partner in every way.  He taught me how to apologize and how to laugh.  He gave me permission to travel more slowly through life and enjoy the little moments along the way.  He is my biggest fan and my truest critic.  His love makes me more beautiful, the way that God intends a husband's love to decorate and glorify his wife.
  3. Sandbox Theatre.  Here's the thing about Sandbox: I don't really belong there.  I'm a loud and proud Jesus freak.  I'm a stay at home mom who joyfully uses phrases like "submit to my husband" without blinking.  And I'm not that talented.  But somehow, they still like me.  More than that, they welcome my opinion and encourage my leadership.  I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I love them so much partly because they miraculously love me.  But on another, very real, level, I know that God has planted a love for these artists in my heart in a way that is different from other loves.  I care about this ensemble, the individuals in it and the work that we do, like they are my family.  Because they are.
  4. Aletha Lee Wachter.  God gets all the credit for my friendship with Aletha.  We are about as different as two women can be but it totally works in our favor.  Mostly, I'm sure, in my favor.  First of all, this girl loves Jesus like nobody's business.  This, I'm certain, is what allows her to love me.  Aletha always has an attentive ear for my wild ideas and knows just when to challenge me on the fine points.  She radiates the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.  Her generousity is inspiring and her subtle southern drawl is the perfect flavoring for her godly suggestions, from gardening, cooking, caring for the earth, serving our church, and raising kids.  Aletha encourages me, makes me laugh (no easy feat), and truly accepts me with all my flaws.  Of which she is well aware, considering that we've both traveled and started a church together.  I am so thankful that God humbles and teaches me through Aletha's example, and that she is willing to keep putting up with me. 
  5. Hiawatha Church.  As humans, we have a tendency to either idolize or villianize our leaders, and in ministry, this often translates into expecting the pastor (and his wife) to be responsible for everything.  But Hiawatha Church is most definitely not about the Devereauxs.  I love knowing that Michael and I could leave Hiawatha tomorrow and it would continue to be a beautiful, healthy, loving, and blessed church without us.   The people of Hiawatha take care of their pastors without worshiping them; they take imitating Christ seriously while being able to laugh at themselves.  Our church isn't perfect and we remind ourselves about our flaws while giving great grace and encouragement to strive towards awesomeness.  The more that I meet pastors and Christians across the country, the more I am humbled to recognize that Hiawatha Church is, sadly, not the norm.  I never cease to give thanks for this blessing!  As in my friendship with Aletha, I feel that my relationship with Hiawatha benefits me more than them.    
the mini-series is quickly drawing to a close!  here's what's ahead:
  • Day Seven: Four things I want in a romantic partner.
  • Day Eight: Three of my favorite possessions.
  • Day Nine: Two images that describe my life or myself right now.
  • Day Ten: One confession.

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